Importance: HighView other "Business Growth" indicators
30th Sep 2022
A number of contract starts with private developers slipped in Q2. These have since been reassessed and achievable dates agreed. In addition, one s106 scheme expected to commence in Q2 was aborted by the developer as they were unable to secure the site. We also had delays with one of our larger grant funded schemes due to protracted negotiations with the contractor. The matter is now resolved and contracts have been entered into. The development team is focused on securing more starts in October to December. A number of new s106 schemes have been secured and legal processes are progressing well. These plots will substitute the aborted scheme from Q2. Given the new schemes that have been secured and as more s106 offers are still being accepted, it is expected that Q3 and Q4 start figures will lift us to the original target of 685 starts for the year.
A number of contract starts with private developers slipped in Q2. These have since been reassessed and achievable dates agreed. In addition, one s106 scheme expected to commence in Q2 was aborted by the developer as they were unable to secure the site. We also had delays with one of our larger grant funded schemes due to protracted negotiations with the contractor. The matter is now resolved and contracts have been entered into. The development team is focused on securing more starts in October to December. A number of new s106 schemes have been secured and legal processes are progressing well. These plots will substitute the aborted scheme from Q2. Given the new schemes that have been secured and as more s106 offers are still being accepted, it is expected that Q3 and Q4 start figures will lift us to the original target of 685 starts for the year.
< 30th Jun 2022 30th Sep 2024 >