Enquiry Resolved at First Point of Contact
Importance: Medium
View other "Caring for our Customers, Assets and Neighbourhoods" indicators
Jigsaw Homes Midlands
Abandoned Calls
Average Time for Non-Emergency Repairs
Carbon Emissions
Complaints responded to within policy timescales
Component replacements
CRM actions completed
Current Tenant Arrears
Customer Net Promoter Score
Customers who agree that employee was polite
Emergencies Attended and Made Safe within 24hrs
Enquiry Resolved at First Point of Contact
Income Collected
Median duration of let (from ready to let to new tenancy start)
Median Void Length - General Needs
Median Void Length - Retirement Living
Money Advice Outcomes
Money Advice Provided
Number of fire doors replaced
Number of logins to online services
Number of Properties below Level C
Number of void properties with repairs completed and ready to let
Out-of-date Fire Risk Assessments
Overall customer satisfaction
Progress of Planned Programme
Properties compliant with gas safety requirements at quarter end
Properties compliant with gas safety requirements at quarter end
Properties with Invalid Gas Certificates during Reporting Period
Responsive and Void Cost Per Unit
RIDDOR incidents
Satisfaction of New Tenants with Home
Satisfaction with handling of ASB Case
Satisfaction with Repairs
The number of roof replacements during the period
TSM: ASB cases per 1000 properties
TSM: Complaints per 1000 properties
TSM: Complaints responded to within complaint handling timescales
TSM: Emergency repairs completed within target timescale
TSM: Non emergency repairs completed within target timescales
TSM: Percentage of homes for which all other required safety checks have been carried out
TSM: Percentage of homes for which all other required safety checks have been carried out
TSM: Percentage of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out
TSM: Percentage of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out
TSM: Percentage of homes that do not meet the decent homes standard
Void Loss
The project to roll-out a single repairs appointment system for the Group should enable the number of multiple contacts about repairs to be tackled and so improve performance on this measure. We are expecting to see change in Q4 of the current year and Q1 of 2022/23. A separate internal review of contacts for Q2 showed >80% were first time contacts.
< 30th Jun 2021 31st Dec 2024 >